Sunday Worship Service

Live at 10 am; recording available later

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Permission to podcast/stream License # 21119892 obtained from CCLI

Welcome to Woodridge Congregational United Church of Christ

As a caring and welcoming community, using the Bible as a resource and the teachings of Jesus as our guide, we joyfully welcome everyone into our Christian community, regardless of race, ethnicity, class, age, mental status, family structure, physical or mental ability, religious background or theological perspective, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression. 

As Christian disciples, we invite all to share in the life, leadership, ministry, worship, sacraments, blessings and joys of our congregation.

Parking & Directions:

Woodridge is located across Reservoir Avenue and just north of the Garden City Shopping Center, near Harmony Masonic Lodge, Seven Stars Bakery and Chelo’s Restaurant on Reservoir Ave. (R.I. Route 2).

GPS:  546 Budlong Road (sanctuary), or 30 Jackson Road (office) Cranston, RI

Parking is available in the lot between Jackson and Woodridge Roads and across Woodridge Road from the sanctuary entrances (behind Chelo’s Restaurant; please do not park behind Seven Stars Bakery), as well as on surrounding streets.

Accessible rest rooms are located in both the sanctuary and Parish House buildings.

The Parish House includes Fellowship Hall, Sunday School class rooms and offices.

Worship with Woodridge

Click the “Past Services” button to view worship services recorded prior to August. 


Look for updates here or ask to be added to our email list to receive weekly messages which include Sunday service information and other news.

We welcome you to Sunday worship in the sanctuary at 10 am, with appropriate precautions (see our In Person Worship page for more information).

What’s Happening at Woodridge

COVID Advisory Although many symptoms are mild, COVID cases are rising. If you have symptoms or don’t feel well, please stay home and join in Sunday worship via our live-stream. If you attend in person and would feel more comfortable wearing a mask, please do so. We try to have masks available for anyone who would like one. And we continue to encourage all who are eligible, and in consultation with their healthcare provider, to get appropriate vaccines. Please stay safe!


Food Pantry volunteering – Second Saturday mornings – contact the church office if you would like to help out

An outdoor collection box for the Cranston Interfaith Food Pantry is located at the outside entrance at 30 Jackson Road, Cranston – bring your donations anytime


Thursday afternoon Grief Support Group  is open to the public

This gathering is for those who have experienced the loss of a loved one. 

The group meets 2:00 p.m. – 3:30 p.m. in the Woodridge Conference Room. Please use the Jackson Road entrance to the upper level of the Parish House building. 

For many people, a grief support group makes the process a little easier by building connections with others who are also grieving. A grief support group can have a positive impact on mental health. Studies show that these groups help to reduce depressive symptoms in people who have lost a loved one.

The group is facilitated by Rev. Burton Bagby-Grose, M.Div., Bereavement and Volunteer Coordinator for the VNA of Care New England.


Worship at Woodridge

September 15, 2024
Worship at 10 am
Sermon text:  James 3: 1-12
Sunday School classes are normally held during worship (except on communion Sundays) following the children’s message.